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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/19/2006

JULY 19, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Glenn Colburn, Donald Lambert, Davis Johnson and Jim Zieger.


ALSO PRESENT:  Tom Faulkner

7:00 Chris Rodstrom, Trustees of Reservations met with the Commission to discuss the possible purchase of 37 acres on Butler Road from Dick Elliott.  The acquisition of the land is one more piece that fits nicely into the Peaked Mountain project.  He stated the intent is for the Commission to file for a Self-Help Grant and the Town would hold the Conservation Restriction.  Assuming the Commission is successful and receives the self-help grant the Trustees of Reservations would purchase the property from Mr. Elliott and sell the Conservation Restriction to the Town.  Essentially there would be no cost to the Town, the appraisals are done as well as the title exam assessments.  Chris Rodstrom stated when the Peaked Mountain project started the intent was to add to it wherever possible.  This piece of property is another piece of the puzzle and there are other pieces of property that the Trustees would like to try for in the future.  The Trustees will hold fundraisers and solicit donations to purchase the property from Mr. Elliott.  There are three possible building lots in the 37 acres and in the event the Trustees are unable to raise all of the money there is the option of selling one of the building lots.

Glenn Colburn stated he would be surprised if the Town did not gain approval for the Self-Help grant because of the way it adds to the Peaked Mountain Project.

Chris Rodstrom stated they have moved forward with a request for Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program to comment on the parcel.  The Trustees will check with Massachusetts Historical Commission who will comment directly to EOEA.  

Glenn Colburn stated if this all falls into place he would like to see something on the 37-acre parcel that acknowledges Mr. Elliott’s part in this.  Dick Elliot was a member of the Conservation Commission for many years and worked hard to protect and conserve the environment before it was fashionable to do so.  

7:20 RFD Upper Palmer Road/Macomber Road, Leo Cortina.  Glenn Colburn stated there are wetlands on the other site of Macomber Road.  The request is for a determination with regard to area and work.  

Glenn Colburn moved to give a positive determination for work in an area subject to the act, a positive determination that the boundaries of the resource area are not confirmed by this determination and the resource areas are not confirmed by this determination.

Jim Zieger seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

7:30 Palmer Road, Stan Tenerowicz Sweetpea Environmental.  Mr. Tenerowicz stated he had spoken with Leslie Duthie after she met with Tim McKenna, DEP at the site on Palmer Road owned by Ted Bukowski.   Mr. Tenerowicz stated the original plan was to flag the limits of the sediment plume in the wetlands and put that on a plan for restoration.  He stated every attempt to get out onto the sediment plume has been unsuccessful because it is so wet.  The proposal now is to prepare a detailed narrative for restoration, the techniques that will be used to complete the work and to have a wetland consultant on site when the work is being done.  In this manner the work could go ahead the moment conditions are suitable ideally during August.  Mr. Tenerowicz stated Ms. Duthie agreed with the premise but wanted him to discuss the new proposal with all of the Commissioners.  Mr. Tenerowicz stated he had spoken with the engineer on the project, Gary Weiner, Ecotec Environmental and the narrative would be completed by August 2, 2006 in time for the next Conservation Commission meeting.

Glenn Colburn stated the length of time it would take to remove the sediment would depend on how much more rain fell.

Stan Tenerowicz stated in some areas where the sediment is not high the vegetation has started to regenerate.  

Glenn Colburn questioned what was being done to the construction site to prevent more erosion coming onto Route 32 and into the wetlands?

Stan Tenerowicz stated he was not involved with issues on the construction site.

Glenn Colburn questioned if the catch basin further down Route 32 was being maintained?

Stan Tenerowicz stated he did not know but would speak with Gary Weiner to make sure he addressed that with the Commission at the next meeting.  He stated they did have a conversation about the flexible pipe that has been installed and it was working well until excessive rain fell creating channels causing the water to bypass the pipe.

7:40 The Commission signed the Certificate of Compliance for Bruce Allen Lakeside Drive and the Order of Conditions for Lot 41 Carpenter Road, Quabbin Properties and 36 Munn Road, Marianne Power.

7:55 MAIL

1.      Lakeshore Drive Daniel Cassidy received the determination.

2.      Letter from the Conservation Commission to Tom Brown Cedar Swamp Road regarding his driveway.

3.      Letter from EOEA regarding Monson’s Open Space Plan.

4.      Copy of a letter from NHESP to Gary Allard re: lot on Hancock Road.

5.      Letter from Pioneer Environmental regarding the Order of Conditions issued to Jerome Talbot for property on Bumstead Road.  Mr. Talbot does not have clear title to the property at this time but will record the Order of Conditions when the land plan is approved by Land Court.

6.      Various Building Permits.

8:20 Glenn Colburn moved to approve the minutes of July 5, 2006.

Davis Johnson seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

8:30 Glenn Colburn moved to adjourn.

Donald Lambert seconded the motion.

It was so voted unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda A. Hull